2022, papier mâché, 35”L x 16”H x 14”W
First place sculpture, 43rd La Cloche Art Show 2022
2022, papier mâché, 35”L x 16”H x 14”W
Papier mâché, 2022
Pandemonium was created during the Covid 19 pandemic and represents the dream of teaching a dog the ultimate trick of skateboarding … and the reality of a chewed shoe. This project was supported with a microgrant from Pat the Dog Theatre Creation.in 2021. In 2022 Pandemonium was selected by jury for the Art Gallery of Sudbury exhibition ‘Is this real life | Est-ce la vraie vie’.
“One of my goals as an artist is to attract a young audience and I think that this little one is the youngest art lover to-date to be interested in my work! “
2019, papier mâché, 34”H x 23”L x 23”W,
First place sculpture, 42nd La Cloche Art Show 2019
2108, papier mâché, 42”H x 50”L x 10”W
2019 Best in Show Community Artist Award, Laurentian University’s Sci-Art.
2018, papier mâché, 12”H x 13”L x 3.5”W
2018, papier mâché and paper, 23”H x 22”L x 12” W
2018, papier mâché and paper, 23”H x 22”L x 12” W
2017, papier mâché and wallpaper
2017, 15" x 17" x 8", papier mâché and paper
2016, 16"x 20"x 8", papier mâché clay
2016, 14" x 17" x 5", papier mâché clay
10" x 13" x 8", papier mâché
2017, 9" x 8" x 4", papier mâché, paper and rhinestones
Poetry Puppy was a community project for my Sudbury Playsmelter Festival 2022 Artist Residency. I worked on this sculpture on-site at the Sudbury Theatre Centre and invited audience members to write a poem, phrase, wish. The writings were added to and became part of the collage of the completed sculpture.
Scroll down to see the steps to the completion of the sculpture!
Papier mâché, 33”W x 20”H x 19”D
Papier mâché, 2020
Lab Mouse was created for the LU SciArt exhibition in Sudbury, 2022
Papier-mâché with wooden mouse trap
Papier-mâché and a marble, 21”L x 9”H x 8”D
Inspired by the tiny owl found stuck in the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree and released back into the wild.
Papier mâché, 5”W x 8”H x 6”D
This new play written by Governor General Award winning playwright Colleen Murphy explores the collision and intersection of cultures, nations and animals during the Battle on the Plains of Abraham / Bataille des Plaines d’Abraham. The life size animals were designed and created by Suzanne McCrae The first ever presentation of the play was May 18, 2019 at the Sudbury Theatre Centre.
Photo credit to Gregory Tremblay
The Sage and Time Art Project with
Sudbury L’Arche and Holy Trinity Elementary School, Sudbury, 2019